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Multi point hot water supply for whole house

Multi point hot water supply for whole house

26 May 2023

A multi-point hot water supply system for a whole house is designed to provide on-demand hot water to multiple outlets throughout the home, such as showers, sinks, and appliances. This type of system uses a central heating unit, typically powered by electricity or gas, to heat the water that passes through it.

The system works by using a network of pipes that run throughout the house to deliver hot water on demand. When a hot water tap or appliance is turned on, cold water is drawn into the system and passed through the heating unit where it is rapidly heated before being delivered to the outlet.

One advantage of a multi-point hot water supply system is that it provides hot water to multiple points in the house simultaneously without any delay. This can be particularly useful in larger homes with high hot water demand. Additionally, because the system only heats the water that's being used, it can be more energy efficient than traditional storage tank water heaters.

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