Tankless electric water heater
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What is on demand instant electric water heater

What is on demand instant electric water heater

26 May 2023

An on-demand instant electric water heater, also known as a tankless water heater, is a type of water heating unit that provides hot water only when it's needed. Unlike traditional water heaters that store a large amount of hot water in a tank, an on-demand system heats the water as it flows through the unit, using either electrical or gas-powered elements to quickly raise the temperature.

This technology allows for on-demand hot water without the need for a bulky storage tank, making it a popular choice for those with limited space or who want to save energy by avoiding the standby heat loss associated with traditional water heaters. Additionally, since on-demand systems don't need to continually heat and reheating a large volume of water, they can be more energy-efficient and cost-effective over time.

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